Dental Crown and Bridge Articles

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Diamond Grillz: Tooth Tales: Legends of the Dental Realm

Diamond Grillz: Tooth Tales: Legends of the Dental Realm

#FOMO just started costing a whole lot more as "diamond grillz cost" is trending on Google. Maybe a tongue stud, but diamond grillz on the teeth?
What’s New In Tooth Decay? Another Bacteria, That’s What

What’s New In Tooth Decay? Another Bacteria, That’s What

Four is quite a significant number to us humans. We like it. We live by it. The Chaldeans of Babylon loved it ...
Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …

Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …

Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones … 1928 marked the first recording of that spiritual song, written by two ...
What If You Could 3-D Print Dentures?

What If You Could 3-D Print Dentures?

3-D printing is taking the world by storm. What if you could 3-D print dentures? Well, you can, and clever people ...
These Oral Hygiene Mistakes Could Be Ruining Your Skin

These Oral Hygiene Mistakes Could Be Ruining Your Skin

Yes, our mouths are a direct portal into our bodies. Therefore, if you are not optimising your oral hygiene, then, ...
Ceramic Braces: Ancient Origins, Bright Future!

Ceramic Braces: Ancient Origins, Bright Future!

Yes, for those who don’t know ... Ceramics were the plastic of the ancient world. A material widely used to build ...
Caring For Older People And Their Oral Health

Caring For Older People And Their Oral Health

Since the 1970s, significant research has gone into quantifying the relationship between oral health and general ...
What You Need to Know About CEREC Dental Crowns

What You Need to Know About CEREC Dental Crowns

If one of your teeth is damaged, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to address the situation. A crown is a small, tooth-shaped cap...


Fillings may be required if tooth structure has been lost due to decay or trauma. During a regular check-up, your dentist will examine...
COVID-19 Level 2 Restrictions in Melbourne Update

COVID-19 Level 2 Restrictions in Melbourne Update

Few days ago, the government announced that dentists in metropolitan Melbourne would move to ADA Level 2 dental restrictions from Sept...
14 Reasons Your Tooth Hurts

14 Reasons Your Tooth Hurts

From a cavity to infected gums to a sinus infection, a toothache can have a lot of causes. Here are the possible reasons and how to treat it!
How to Stop Clenching Teeth to Protect Your Smile

How to Stop Clenching Teeth to Protect Your Smile

Do you wake up with headaches, neck pain or sore teeth? You could have bruxism and be unconsciously clenching teeth while you sleep.
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