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Dentistry Has Its Dinosaurs, Its Old Fossils & Its Neanderthals

Dentistry Has Its Dinosaurs, Its Old Fossils & Its Neanderthals

We human beings, we Homo sapiens have trouble coming to terms with deep time. What is deep time? Anything much ...
Children’s Dental Health Month in February: Does It Achieve Anything?

Children’s Dental Health Month in February: Does It Achieve Anything?

Since 1955, February has trumpeted its calendar-self to focus on the mouths of babes. (And toddlers, tweens and ...
Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …

Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …

Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones … 1928 marked the first recording of that spiritual song, written by two ...
What If You Could 3-D Print Dentures?

What If You Could 3-D Print Dentures?

3-D printing is taking the world by storm. What if you could 3-D print dentures? Well, you can, and clever people ...
Do Dentures & Braces Affect People’s Attention To Nutrition?

Do Dentures & Braces Affect People’s Attention To Nutrition?

For anyone without perfect teeth, it should be no surprise that dentures prove a significant change for someone. ...
Caring For Older People And Their Oral Health

Caring For Older People And Their Oral Health

Since the 1970s, significant research has gone into quantifying the relationship between oral health and general ...
COVID-19 Level 2 Restrictions in Melbourne Update

COVID-19 Level 2 Restrictions in Melbourne Update

Few days ago, the government announced that dentists in metropolitan Melbourne would move to ADA Level 2 dental restrictions from Sept...
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