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Bruxism In Children: Is It Influenced By Screen Time And Sugar?

Bruxism In Children: Is It Influenced By Screen Time And Sugar?

Children gnashing & grinding their teeth asleep in bruxism – a scene from a horror movie. Overstimulation of sensitive minds...
Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care

Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care

If you can be inspired to make one new year’s resolution this year let it be for your dental health. Let the New ...

Having A Smart Mouthguard Is A Life Changing Game Changer

In early 2023, the top league of professional players in Australasia, the NRL, along with Football Australia, ...
Dentistry Has Its Dinosaurs, Its Old Fossils & Its Neanderthals

Dentistry Has Its Dinosaurs, Its Old Fossils & Its Neanderthals

We human beings, we Homo sapiens have trouble coming to terms with deep time. What is deep time? Anything much ...
Children’s Dental Health Month in February: Does It Achieve Anything?

Children’s Dental Health Month in February: Does It Achieve Anything?

Since 1955, February has trumpeted its calendar-self to focus on the mouths of babes. (And toddlers, tweens and ...
Think You’re Really Lucky? Then You Probably Have Gum Disease

Think You’re Really Lucky? Then You Probably Have Gum Disease

People who are lucky are more likely to have gum disease, a 2022 Periodontology Symposium in Paris has been told...
Teeth & Bones in Space: Stem Cells, Space Stations & Regeneration

Teeth & Bones in Space: Stem Cells, Space Stations & Regeneration

Teeth and bones in space are an exciting and promising field of endeavour and research with dentists "champing at the bit" to be the first dentanaut...
Common Dental Issues Of The Over 60s

Common Dental Issues Of The Over 60s

The immortal George Carlin said it best: “… So, you become 21. Turn 30. Push 40. Reach 50 and make it to 60.” To ...
Do It Yourself Dentistry: A Pathway To Pain

Do It Yourself Dentistry: A Pathway To Pain

If you grew up in the 1970s, chances are you thought it was pretty cool to tie a piece of string to a doorknob and ...
Natural And Conventional Toothpastes: Is One More Effective Than The Other?

Natural And Conventional Toothpastes: Is One More Effective Than The Other?

When we think of teeth cleaning, toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss are usually involved, although they are ...
Is There A Link Between Gum Disease And Mental Health?

Is There A Link Between Gum Disease And Mental Health?

Integration. The act or process of uniting different things. We live in a world that likes nothing better than to ...
Six-Monthly Dental Visits: Tooth Truth Or An Accepted Lie?

Six-Monthly Dental Visits: Tooth Truth Or An Accepted Lie?

Ah, Finland. Land of the heavy metal band, kaboom country of the first molotov cocktail, and nation of ...
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