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Dentures Vs. Dental Implants

Dentures Vs. Dental Implants

Get ready. It’s time for the dental showdown of the century. We’re talking dentures versus implants. Learn the difference between...
What to Know about Invisalign and Its Effectiveness

What to Know about Invisalign and Its Effectiveness

If you had a choice, would you wear braces on your teeth or clear aligners? If your answer is clear aligners, you’re not alone. Clear...
Straight Talk About Braces for Adults

Straight Talk About Braces for Adults

Does the word braces call to mind a teenager with a mouth full of metal? If so, it's time to rethink that picture. These days, people of...
Pregnancy & Oral Care: 20 Myths, Facts & Stats

Pregnancy & Oral Care: 20 Myths, Facts & Stats

It’s no secret that pregnancy changes women’s bodies. But does it affect teeth? Are there any important oral hygiene habits to practice...
5 Ways to Tell If Your Child May Need Orthodontic Treatment

5 Ways to Tell If Your Child May Need Orthodontic Treatment

You can get orthodontic treatment as an adult, but in many cases, it is easier to undergo treatment at a younger age when your child is...
4 Things Your Mouth Can Tell You about Your Health

4 Things Your Mouth Can Tell You about Your Health

These oral symptoms—from cavities to bleeding gums—sometimes signal an underlying problem. Sure, your breath may remind you about the...
7 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants

7 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants

Dental implants have many advantages over other types of restorations, because they look, feel, and act like natural teeth...
Common Causes of Bad Breath

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath is usually caused by poor dental habits, infections, the foods you eat and unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking...
What You Need to Know About CEREC Dental Crowns

What You Need to Know About CEREC Dental Crowns

If one of your teeth is damaged, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to address the situation. A crown is a small, tooth-shaped cap...
Teeth Grinding

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, or Bruxism as it's officially known, is one of those tricky conditions that you could be suffering from without even...


And as Australia ages over the next 30 years or so, it will be an increasingly common one for many people with an estimated 900,000...


Fillings may be required if tooth structure has been lost due to decay or trauma. During a regular check-up, your dentist will examine...
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