Dental Anxiety Videos

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What Is Happy Gas and How Does It Help Anxious Patients?

What Is Happy Gas and How Does It Help Anxious Patients?

If you suffer from mild to moderate anxiety when visiting the dentist then one way that we can help is by administering laughing gas or happy gas...
What Are the Ways to Ease Dental Fear?

What Are the Ways to Ease Dental Fear?

If you ask someone, "What's your number one fear?" A lot of them will probably say, "Going to the dentist." You probably know a few of these people yourself...
What Are the 3 Causes of Toothache and How to Prevent It?

What Are the 3 Causes of Toothache and How to Prevent It?

What are the three main causes of toothache? And how to prevent it. Today we’re going to share with you the three most common causes of toothache and how you could prevent it...
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