Digital Smile Design Videos

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Is the Veneer Procedure Painful?

Is the Veneer Procedure Painful?

With that being said, if you would like to know if the procedure is painful, and the answer is no. While some teeth may feel...
How Many Dental Veneers Should I Get?

How Many Dental Veneers Should I Get?

Yesterday, our new patient Mila from Diggers Rest asked me, “How many dental veneers do I need?"
What Is The Process Of Dental Veneers?

What Is The Process Of Dental Veneers?

Yesterday, one of our long term patients, Linda from Bacchus Marsh, came in and saw us regarding a smile makeover...
What is a Digital Smile Design?

What is a Digital Smile Design?

What is Digital Smile Design? Today we'll be talking about Digital Smile Design. Hi, Dr Warren here. I'm the Smile ...
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