
7 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants

7 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants

Dental implants have many advantages over other types of restorations, because they look, feel, and act like natural teeth...
Common Causes of Bad Breath

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath is usually caused by poor dental habits, infections, the foods you eat and unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking...
Tips For Tooth Brushing

Tips For Tooth Brushing

Good oral hygiene has to start early. You need to teach your kids how to brush their teeth when teeth first begin to appear...
Women’s Oral Health and Hormones

Women’s Oral Health and Hormones

Women have unique oral health concerns. Changing hormone levels during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause can raise...
Keep Kids’ Teeth Cavity-Free

Keep Kids’ Teeth Cavity-Free

Don’t let your children suffer the burden of tooth decay, pain and debilitating extractions. Their teeth are so important...
Handling Dental Emergencies at Home

Handling Dental Emergencies at Home

Sometimes during the phase of holidays or Sundays when tooth pain occurs or dental injuries take place, and dentists are not available...
Milestones for Mini Mouths

Milestones for Mini Mouths

Moms should know that oral health is linked with overall health to keep themselves and their babies happy and healthy...
Top Reasons to Visit a Dentist Twice a Year

Top Reasons to Visit a Dentist Twice a Year

To ensure this care is provided, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment at least every 6 months, so we can keep your teeth and mouth in ideal...
Children’s Dental Care Tips for Parents

Children’s Dental Care Tips for Parents

Primary teeth or "baby teeth" is as important as we ever thought of. Here's how you can take care of it before the permanent ones come out.
How Does Smoking Destroy Oral Health

How Does Smoking Destroy Oral Health

Smoking not only affects the appearance of your teeth, but all the other structures around your teeth. Here are some dental problems caused by smoking...
Four Dental Strategies for Pregnant Women

Four Dental Strategies for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is an exciting and busy time in a woman's life. But pregnant woman should take care of their dental health for themselves and their babies. 
5 Common Causes of Mouth Ulcers

5 Common Causes of Mouth Ulcers

Today, let us discuss about the most common mouth ulcers called Aphthous ulcers or Cancker sores –which can be really painful.
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