Cool Dental Stuff Destined To Transform Dentistry: Open Wide for More
Cool Dental Stuff Destined To Transform Dentistry: Open Wide for More
AI Will Transform Operative Dental Care
Artificial intelligence (AI) is on every one’s lips and, perhaps, some of it is mere marketing hot air. However, it promises to make diagnosis via the analysis of X-rays a much more exacting process for the benefit of patients. In operative dental care, human dentists can miss small cavities from their assessment of X-rays. AI wont miss these and thus little holes will not get the chance to become bigger cavities. The detection rate for AI in locating small cavities in tricky spots is pretty impressive. Similarly, vertical root fractures are found more accurately by AI from the available evidence so far. Treating problems earlier results in better outcomes for patients.
Gum Disease & AI
Periodontitis or gum disease is a major global problem plaguing humankind. Busy dentists can miss the early signs of this serious disease which often results, if untreated, in tooth loss. Even more worryingly, gum disease is now linked with a variety of chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. The bad bacterium causing periodontitis also infects other parts of the body to produce diseases capable of very serious health problems. Inflammation from infections are at the root of so many of the chronic diseases ruining lives and ending lives prematurely. AI is better at picking up these early indicators to help dental clinics catch gum disease and treat it.
“Individuals with periodontitis have altered concentrations of various proteins in their blood, according to a new study. These findings pave the way for research into biomarkers for periodontitis and the underlying causes of the disease. Severe periodontitis affects about one in ten Swedes and, in addition to tooth loss, can also be linked to other diseases.”
– Science Daily
Your AI Orthodontic Architect
Mapping out an orthodontic treatment plan for braces and aligners can be hard work. AI can now analyse all the measurements required and work it out faster and more accurately for better results in less time. AI removes the guesswork and puts the exact numbers in place for the right fit at the right price. Wow, the neural network is firing up for orthodontic outcomes designed to benefit us humans.
Scanning For Oral Cancers With AI
Oral cancers are no fun for anyone and detecting them is of crucial importance to patient wellbeing. AI analysis of scans and microscope slides is showing higher rates of successful screening than the previous human only processing of this data. Catching serious issues like these in a patient’s oral health is paramount to good dentistry and healthcare more generally. Quantifying immune cells and distinguishing types of tumours are all things that state of the art AI can now do. Early detection means, in most cases, increased rates of survival for patients going forward. Pathology matters and AI delivers better insights into cancers and other serious conditions.
When considering cool stuff destined to transform dentistry, few capture the imagination like growing one’s own natural teeth. Star Trek eat your heart out – this takes the cake. Apparently, our genes turn on and off this ability to grow teeth – ergo we have baby teeth, lose them, and grow second or adult teeth. Furthermore, we grow third molars or wisdom teeth or some of us do at any rate. Our gene switches off after these feats to stop more teeth naturally growing. Japanese scientists have worked out how to activate this gene to grow back natural teeth, it seems.
“A drug to grow new teeth is being developed at a Japanese pharmaceutical company, with hopes to begin clinical trials in less than a year. Toregem’s drug inactivates the “USAG-1 protein” to enable tooth growth. The company says its priority is treating people whose teeth do not grow for genetic reasons. In the future, the team wants the drug to help those who have lost teeth. Toregem Biopharma, funded by Kyoto University, has developed an antibody drug which inhibits the protein in the mouth that suppresses growth and stops “tooth buds” from developing.”
Bring on the tooth buds for all those who wish to have a second chance in the tooth department. How cool would it be to regrow your own natural teeth and be free of the need for false or implanted screw in artificial teeth? This may yet transform dental care like nothing ever seen before.
Smart Tooth Brushes
Smart tooth brushes are already here complete with inbuilt sensors to read your most intimate oral cavity. The Sonicare smart toothbrush is packed with sensors in its handle. They give feedback to the holder in regards to grip pressure and whether you are applying too much force. This device can coach the user as to how best brush his or her teeth. This may sound OTT but in reality many of us let ourselves down when it comes to optimal teeth cleaning. Sonicare is just one of a range of such smart tooth brushes now available on the market. These are not just for kids, rather they offer smart assistance for all ages who are open to the input. Oral hygiene has never been better placed to go to another level.
Dental Care Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR), when it comes to dentistry, allows budding dentists and beginners to immerse themselves in the operating room without threatening the safety of real live patients. A dedicated headset transports students to the action to observe and operate in a virtual environment. This technology will facilitate the streaming of dental procedures to students so that they can observe and learn without upsetting patients. There are numerous applications for this VR technology for both patients and dental technicians. It can be used for calming practice for those patients suffering from dental anxiety. The VR can be used to show calming scenes which distract the patient from the more invasive procedure actually occurring.
The Teledentist
The digital future of dental care is also embracing teledentistry, where distance is overcome via technology. Patients will be able to capture images and send them to dentists far away for diagnosis. Remote dentistry for consultations is better than no dental care at all. It can be a positive first step toward getting the oral care required. Many folk living in rural, out of the way, places are neglected by the lack of dental services near them. A video chat with a dentist can be a very positive encouragement to seek treatment. Knowing that you do definitively have an issue means no wasted long trips to the city. The Teledentist will be a valuable member of the team going forward, according to industry predictions.
Open wide for more.
Note: All content and media on the Sunbury Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
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