What Are the Ways to Ease Dental Fear?

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What Are the Ways to Ease Dental Fear?

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  3. Dental Anxiety Videos
  4. What Are the Ways to Ease Dental Fear?

If you ask someone, “What’s your number one fear?” A lot of them will probably say, “Going to the dentist.” You probably know a few of these people yourself…

Today, we will talk about what are some advanced dental clinics can do to ease dental fear.

Hi, Dr Warren here. I’m the principal dentist in Dental House Group. I was with Jane from Diggers Rest yesterday, she is our regular patient who we have been looking after in the last 6 years. She got married recently, and she said to me, “I’m trying really hard to get my husband to see you. But he had a bad experience when he was a kid… Trust me, one day, I’ll drag him in.” After hearing that, I thought its such a shame that a previous bad experience could cause someone to completely neglect their oral health. So I decided to make a short video and share with you five ways we can help you overcome your dental fear.

Having a stranger working in your mouth can make some people feel anxious. So we want you to get to know us. If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website, you will get to see us and our clients.. You get to see the environment that we work in, and the happy experiences our clients receive through their smiles. After a while, you’ll feel so familiar with our staff, our team, and our environment, that will eventually give you the confidence to walk through our doors.
Why don’t you come in for a tour? We love to show potential new patients to our offices and introduce you to our team. There’s nothing better than coming in yourself and to see the clinic and feel that it doesn’t actually feel or smell like a dental clinic. A lot of times, that helps.
If you are already our client, and you know of anyone who’s anxious, or your partner is anxious, bring them with you to your next appointment. When they see you getting your treatment done in a friendly environment, that will help to ease their fear.

For those who need a lot of work, we have ways to put them at ease. We have options such as happy gas, sleep dentistry, and even oral medications that could relax them before their dental treatment. So there are plenty of options that we can help you to overcome your fear.

This might sound cliche, but book yourself in for initial examination. A lot of clients mentioned that the initial examination is one of the best experiences they ever had. The reason is because our dentists are very thorough. You can be sure that during our initial comprehensive examination, we want to get to know you. And we promise that there will be no treatment done on the day. It is an appointment where we get to know you, gently look around your mouth, and finding out what your needs and wants are, and so that we can give you a good overview of where things are at, and the roadmap to get your teeth healthy again.

At Dental House, we have clinics throughout Melbourne. This means you have the convenience to go to multiple locations for your treatments and checkups. Also, all our dentists and therapists here are specifically trained to be extra gentle and compassionate, and they are very experienced with anxious patients and helping them relax and enjoy their experience.

So if you like what you see, and ready to take your first step towards a healthier you, we would love to look after you.

Simply give us a call, send us a DM or fill in the enquiry form on our website, and we will be in touch to organise your consultation.


The content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. Sunbury Dental House does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the content.

The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional personal diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a dental or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the Site.

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