Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …
Your Tooth Bone’s Connected To Your Knee Bone …

Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones …
1928 marked the first recording of that spiritual song, written by two African-American brothers James Walden and J. Rosomond Johnson. Born in 1871, James Walden Johnson was a skilled writer, distinguished lawyer, diplomat and civil rights activist. Based on the Bible’s Book of Ezekiel, The Famous Myers Jubilee Singers marked a multifaceted merging of soul and anatomy borne from profound human suffering and the ongoing struggle for racial equality.
The song starts at the toes and moves up the body to connect ten (non-medically defined) bones. To connect all 206 bones of the body would certainly have been the lyric equivalent to memorising pi and just as tedious. Instead we have a song with a recording history spanning almost a century, with one of its latest incantations by British rapper M.I.A. The reworked lines offer deeper association: “The hand bone connects to the internet, connected to the Google, the internet connects to the government…”
With that being true, there are also much deeper associations with meridians, heat and healing.
Since 400BC, humans have associated temperature with disease. Primitive times had primitive thermography by painting a thin layer of mud on the body and seeing the different rates of drying. The method favoured by Hippocrates (460BC – 370BC) was to cover the patient’s upper torso with a mud soaked cloth. The drying pattern showed temperature distribution and marked Hippocrates as the first identifiable thermographer.
There are highways of energy throughout the human body, familiarly known as a meridian. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is the channel through which the life force qi flows. The term ‘meridian’ was coined in the early 1900s by Frenchman George Soulié de Morant to describe the ancient ‘vessel’ of China, ‘sen’ of Thailand and ‘nadis’ of India when he brought acupuncture to Europe.
The basic job of science is to be skeptical. It took forty years for North Korean scientist Bong-Han Kim to have peer confirmation of the existence of this bioelectrical and vibrational phenomenon he first identified in the 1960s. It took until 2002 for there to be validity in the art and process of moving, slowing or unblocking this microsystem in accomplishing health and healing.
A decade later, Seoul National University published research verifying these channels as a crucial part of the cardiovascular system.
These meridians – referred to as the ‘primo-vascular system’ (PVS) – is now believed to be physical proof of the exactitude of the Acupuncture Meridian System. Researchers discovered its involvement in the directing and conducting of the flow of information relayed by electromagnetic waves of light (biophotons) and DNA.
It seems that what we’ve always known we now know we know.
In this present age of exponentially advancing science, to discover an unfamiliar aspect of the entire human body is a rare occurrence, one more commonly achieved in areas of concentrated specialisation.
Even more unique in the identification of the PVS, is the fundamental reshaping of the paradigms of anatomy and physiology this newfound morpho-dynamic process demands. The consequent changes in currently accepted medical and pharmaceutical practices, alternative healing and manipulation therapies will equal the shifting course of human history brought about by the discoveries of gravity and germ theory, and DNA.
Modern thermology mapped a similar itinerary to meridians in establishing its cogency.
At the turn of the 19th century, King George III’s Royal Astronomer, Sir William Hershel, researched prisms and the separation of rainbow colours. He uncovered a new spectrum of invisible light “below the red” – infrared. It’s an aspect of human metabolism; the continuous release of energy in the infrared spectrum in varying levels, expressed as heat.
What Hershel’s discovery made possible was the development of implements and devices to accurately measure infrared heat from the human body. For both good and evil, were the dinner table awash with four and five star generals, rescue services, surgeon generals and remote control manufacturers.

Thermometry as it was then known, began in 1835 with the invention of a device which established the higher temperature of inflamed areas of the body, and that the normal human temperature is 37°C (98.6°F).
So we’ve been mucking around with the human body and heat for just under two hundred years; and the human body and meridians for more than two thousand.
It’s good to know we’re getting somewhere.
Before it became widely accepted, researchers ran the gauntlet to prove that more than ten chronic diseases begin in the mouth. Not in single, predominant conditions, but rather in the multimorbidity of two or more diseases. Symptoms and conditions criss-cross the body through cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, mental health, cognitive ability and even dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones.
Dental thermography is pretty much an agnostic’s ability to not quite ‘hear the word of the Lord’ but to instead see it. As said by Nobel Prize winning Biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986), “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
Meridian lines are not confined to the skin, but are in fact a structured duct system through which liquid flows, to aggregate and form stem cells. It supports and evidences the Traditional Chinese Medicine perception of meridians flowing deep within the body.
Thermography is a diagnostic measurement of skin temperature distribution via bio-thermal processes. This non-invasive method gives highly accurate health assessments by detecting, displaying and recording heat patterns and temperature modulation. Its principle is blood flow tempo and temperature – consequent abnormalities indicate inflammation and disorder.
A thermograph tells us what we can’t yet see. An asymptomatic dental infection. The reason for orofacial or temporomandibular pain. The condition of dental pulp.
It can even identify dental anxiety.
In 2021, the University of Naples Federico II’s Department of Oral Surgery took facial thermal images of patients awaiting dental extractions and was literally able to measure dental fears and phobias by degrees.
Holistically, the teeth are location markers on a meridian, all of which connect to the brain and then a specific area or organ of the body. Dentists have been numbering teeth from 1 to 32 for a long time so both front teeth (#7 and #8) for example, are connected to the kidney and bladder via these concentrated points of microvascular structure. This correspondingly and symmetrically influences (among other areas) the posterior knee and ankle, tonsil and pineal gland.
So if you’re having issues with your front teeth, whole body thermography would reveal bladder and kidney function anomalies, along with other diagnoses highly useful for your future health.
Naturally, there’s reciprocity; should an organ or bone display symptoms, you’ll feel it or see it in your mouth.
Multiply that marker by 32 teeth, 72 organs and 11 body systems and therein lies the answer to the general poor state of global health, wellbeing and psychological balance when almost 20% of the world population suffers periodontal disease.
That’s more than one billion people.
Two billion more have caries in their permanent teeth. Add to those the one hundred and sixty million adults worldwide with missing teeth – along with the financial and employment bias that destroys confidence and prospects is the proven affect of the likelihood of experiencing Alzheimer’s and dementia.
We know from multitudinous studies what an intensely negative precursor poor oral health is in terms of physical and mental life. And still more than half a billion children on the planet have cavities in their first teeth. Japan introduced its universal health insurance in 1961. In 2023, tooth extraction with subsequent implant, bridge or denture is the equivalent in yen of between $US38.50 and $US693.00. Treating periodontal disease costs between $US230.00 and $1150.00. Japan is considered the smartest country in the world with its average citizen IQ of 106.48. South Korea has offered free dental care for foreigners on nominated days in its acceptance that the status of dental health outweighs any immigration or financial state. It too, has people of intelligence (averaging 102.35) and a 97.97% literacy rate.
It’s a curious thing that the PVS was not scientifically identified until the 21st century because it’s everywhere. In intravascular and extravascular spaces, in the central and peripheral nervous systems, and both on and within cutaneous layers as it moves throughout almost all of the body.
Physics tells us that everything is connected. It seems the ‘word of the Lord’ tells us everything is connected too. Dental research and studies tell us that good oral health is the conduit for acuity, happiness, health and wellbeing. So find a dentist who practices thermography, book the appointment and nurture and maintain that most effective patient and practitioner relationship based on truth, trust and tactics.
Optimum oral health is a priority for both personal and world betterment. To not recognise and action that is to be complicit in the continuation and creation of global chronic diseases and failing mental capacity worldwide. We already have ultra-processed foods guaranteeing us that.
Dental thermography is your link to overall better health. Make no bones about it.
Note: All content and media on the Sunbury Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
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