Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care

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Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care

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  4. Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care
Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care In Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest In Sunbury Dental House
If you can be inspired to make one new year’s resolution this year let it be for your dental health. Let the New Year bring new commitment to your oral care in 2024 and beyond. This is no mere dentist’s selfish wish but a call for an understanding about just how important your oral care is to your overall health. Unfortunately, the power and influence of economics has put dental care in the shade for many years. We all know this is in large part because our teeth and gums are strangely not included in universal health care in Australia. The backlash by consumers over this anomaly causes many to neglect their dental care.

Too Many Cracks For The Poor & Inadequate Oral Care

There are way too many Australian citizens with poor teeth and substandard oral care for a wealthy nation such as we are. Too many cracks for the working poor to fall into when it comes to getting the oral care they deserve in the 21C. It is too easy for many of these sufferers to want to bite the hand that may just fix them. Dentists are easy targets for the disapprobation of the public about the high costs of dental care in Australia. It is hard for these people to comprehend why all other parts of the body are covered by Medicare but their teeth and gums. Where is the justice in this? Where is the logicality in this?

New Year, Old Year, Every Year Oral Care Challenges

The sad truth of the matter is that these poor folk are only really punishing themselves by their sporadic attendance to their oral care. Yes, it is embarrassing for the dental profession to witness the national shame of too many Australians missing out on adequate dental care.

“There’s growing awareness public dental programs are unable to meet the demand for services. Private dental care is increasingly unaffordable, and millions of Australians go without the treatment they need. The potentially avoidable costs to the healthcare system and to people’s quality of life has led to increased pressure for a Medicare-style universal insurance scheme for dental care (Denticare) or the inclusion of dental care into Medicare.”

However, dentists stare into the maw on a daily basis and learn to do their best with what they have at hand. The standard of dentistry in this country is top shelf and only getting better. Yes, dentistry is an expensive practice and the divide between rich and poor is not currently bridged by our profession. ‘User pays’ is the credo prevalent in this day and age, it seems. The wonderful AI enhanced dental technologies are taking the profession ahead in leaps and bounds. The benefits to the oral care of the wealthy Australian are substantial.

User Pays Dentistry In Australia

The message being delivered by those on the right is and always has been do what it takes to make enough money to fund your life. The Stage 3 tax cuts are a reward for those who have managed to reach the required level of income. User pays is the neoliberal plank at the heart of the Australian system. Dental care is another motivating force for the denizens of this nation to earn up to. Private school fees and mortgage payments on home loans are further incentives. The lifestyle of the successful Australian in the 21C demands a lot of money, especially in the current high inflationary period.

A Reminder About The Importance Of Oral Pleasure

Let the New Year bring new commitment to your oral care because it is the wise thing to do. Wisdom is, perhaps, an unfashionable thing in modern Australia. We do not hear much about sagacity and such like in the fast paced environs of urban Oz. The deeper truth about human life is that we meet much of what we enjoy through the oral portal. Baby on mother’s nipple. Young lovers kissing. Chowing down on a sumptuous meal. Sipping a special tipple. Tasting the air on a crisp morning in the mountains. Telling a funny story to a dear friend. All of these incidents are dependant upon our mouth and its parts. Neglect of this realm can curtail many of these sweet activities.

By making a commitment to looking after your oral hygiene you will be prolonging the sweet things of life. By doing the right thing by your teeth and gums you will actually save money on your dental care. Proactive oral health prevents those expensive emergency trips to the dentist. You will reduce the chances of ending up in extreme pain. Making decisions about what to do with failing teeth is never a good idea when in desperate pain, as it is tough to think clearly at these times. I know because I have seen it all before. Too many of my patients go around pretending that their teeth are not their concern. It is like they are in a blind spot, an unthinking zone, and their oral behaviour has no real or lasting consequences. The harsh truth is quite the opposite.

What Can You Do To Support Good Oral Health?

First and foremost, drink plenty of pure water. Give the soft drinks the flick. Don’t smoke or vape. Always have some water on hand to swill around inside your mouth after eating or drinking. Avoid a dry mouth, as this is the perfect condition for bad bacteria to form around teeth and gums. Hydration with water is paramount to good oral health. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and more after meals if possible. Use a good tooth paste and a soft brush. Research online the best techniques for brushing your teeth. Pay attention to what you are doing and don’t just be rote about it. Flossing is another great way to remove detritus from your teeth. Mouth wash once a week with a reputable mouth wash. Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, coffee, tea, juice, sports drinks, and such like. Drink plenty of pure water. Diet is pretty important when it comes to looking after your teeth. Eat healthy and your whole health will improve. Reduce the amount of processed foods you eat. Eat more green leafy vegetables and less meat. Your microbiome will thank you and this will have you feeling and functioning better. Pay attention to how much sugar you consume and reduce this where needed. Train yourself to enjoy consuming foods and drinks which are not sweetened. Much of life and our diet is habitual and can be changed. Moving out of your comfort zone may seem scary but once you do a whole new world opens up.

Let The New Year Bring New Commitment To Your Oral Care At Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest In Sunbury Dental House
Take Control Of Your Dental Care

See your local dentist regularly as per a schedule worked out with her or him. Take control of your visits to the dentist. Map out a financial plan in regard to looking after your teeth. Stop being a victim of circumstance. Your teeth are really important and deserve a financial allocation for their care. Be smart about this stuff. Budget a certain amount every day or week. Add this up and allocate it to your trips to the dentist. Get ahead of the game and you will save money and pain. Take control of your life. Life in Australia is expensive, as this is the current reality and it is not going to change anytime soon. Let the New Year bring new commitment to your oral care and you will reap the benefits.

Note: All content and media on the  Sunbury Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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