Cosmetic Bonding
Cosmetic Bonding at Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest
What is Cosmetic Bonding?
Cosmetic bonding in Melbourne is a dental procedure used to fix the appearance of teeth. It is easier and less invasive than other aesthetic cosmetic procedures and often the least expensive way to improve your smile.
In cosmetic bonding, our dental professionals will apply a durable plastic material called resin that is bonded to the tooth to restore, and in some cases improve the appearance of your teeth and restore your smile.
Cosmetic bonding is a leading dentistry solution to create a beautiful smile and can even be done in just one visit, unlike other procedures that may take weeks to complete. This efficient method helps reduce the cost and is less invasive than other cosmetic procedures and can be used to fix a number of dental issues, such as:
Fix chipped teeth
Improve misshaped teeth
Close gaps between teeth
Repair broken or fractured teeth
Lengthen teeth that appear too short
Protect exposed tooth root if gums recede
Repair and restore the appearance of worn teeth
An alternative to traditional amalgam or silver fillings
Improve the appearance of stained or discoloured teeth
What is Cosmetic Bonding?
Cosmetic bonding in Melbourne is a dental procedure used to fix the appearance of teeth. It is easier and less invasive than other aesthetic cosmetic procedures and often the least expensive way to improve your smile.
In cosmetic bonding, our dental professionals will apply a durable plastic material called resin that is bonded to the tooth to restore, and in some cases improve the appearance of your teeth and restore your smile.
Who is a Candidate for Cosmetic Bonding?
Cosmetic bonding is used to improve the appearance of teeth and can be used to repair broken teeth. It is also used by some as an alternative to dental veneers or implants, but it may not be for everyone. This procedure is not ideal to fix large areas of misshapen or missing teeth and not used to whiten all of your teeth.
Cosmetic bonding is an ideal procedure for those with otherwise healthy teeth when only one or a couple of teeth need repair or improvement, and can be easily shaped and coloured to fit in with the rest of your teeth. While mainly used for adult patients, it can sometimes be a viable and cost-effective way to help improve the appearance of children’s teeth while waiting for their adult teeth to come in. At Sunbury Dental House, our experienced professionals will do a full evaluation and exam to see if you are a candidate for cosmetic bonding.
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Benefits of Cosmetic Bonding
With advances in dental technology, procedures are more versatile than ever. We utilise the latest technology to ensure that any procedure we do is as pain and stress-free as possible, even cosmetic dentistry.
Cosmetic bonding is one of the most popular ways to improve smiles all around the world, and for good reason. Here are just some of the benefits you can enjoy when choosing cosmetic bonding for your desired smile:
Cosmetic Bonding Procedure
And while each situation is different, there are general steps that are followed for most everyone who had bonding.
Cosmetic bonding is a basic procedure and usually requires no anesthetic. In fact, often no preparation is necessary, unless it is used as a filling. Here are the basic steps you can expect when visiting us for your cosmetic bonding procedure:
Just like your regular teeth, those that have cosmetic bonding require maintenance and care. But it is important to not indulge in tea, coffee, smoking or other things that can stain your new tooth for the first 48 hours after your procedure. Aside from that, your regular maintenance may include the following:
Download Price List
While we agree that you can’t put a price on good health (especially when it comes to your teeth), we understand the reality of family budgets. That’s why we offer flexible treatment options and family-affordable pricing. You might say the only thing average about Dental House is our prices.
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Call Today and Make an Appointment
Let our team of gentle and experienced professionals help you get the smile you deserve. Whether you need cosmetic bonding for repair or to improve the look of your teeth, we will evaluate and help you determine the best procedure to suit your needs. Call today and schedule an evaluation and we look forward to seeing you.
Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.