Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal Treatment at Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest
What is Periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a common gum disease that can result in tooth loss, if left untreated. It refers to an inflammation of the gums that can affect the gums, surface of your teeth and the surrounding pockets of the teeth. As it advances, it can lead to more severe problems like tooth loss and create a need for surgery to remove damaged areas of the gumline, if necessary.
The beginning of periodontitis can stem from bacterial plaque, which is a sticky membrane that can harden to form tartar. Tartar, or calculus, is a crusty deposit that can trap even more bacteria, causing damage to the enamel of the tooth. As the infection spreads to the surrounding areas, the gums may become infected, and the disease may spread to other parts of the body including your heart.
What is Periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a common gum disease that can result in tooth loss, if left untreated. It refers to an inflammation of the gums that can affect the gums, surface of your teeth and the surrounding pockets of the teeth. As it advances, it can lead to more severe problems like tooth loss and create a need for surgery to remove damaged areas of the gumline, if necessary.
Periodontitis or Gingivitis?
Healthy gums are a light pink colour with a healthy look. But sometimes due to lifestyle factors or genetics, an infection may be contracted. Gingivitis is a milder condition and is characterised by swelling or inflammation of the gums. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth and may begin to recede. If left untreated, gingivitis can become periodontitis, which is a more severe infection. Periodontitis can spread to the surrounding gums, teeth and even into the bone and travel throughout the body.
Symptoms of Periodontitis
When periodontitis takes hold, symptoms will become more severe and may include:
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Symptoms of Periodontitis
When periodontitis takes hold, symptoms will become more severe and may include:
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Stages of Periodontitis
Periodontitis doesn’t just happen overnight. It is an infection that slowly progresses to eventually become the disease of periodontitis. There are many reasons why the infection spreads including heredity, poor oral hygiene and fear of the dentist resulting in fewer dental checkups. As the infection spreads, you may experience different symptoms according to which stage of the disease you may be in. The following are the stages of periodontitis:
is the first, mild infection that results in swollen or bleeding gums, possible receding gums, bad breath or spacing between the teeth.
Early Stage Periodontitis
may set in as inflammation increases and the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, forming “pockets” around the teeth that can trap food and more bacteria.
Moderate Stage Periodontitis
forms as the inflammation spreads and becomes more painful; teeth may loosen as the supporting bone is lost, while the gums recede further.
Advanced Stage Periodontitis
is a very advanced stage and marked by abscesses near the teeth, spreading of the gums from the teeth and possible tooth loss.
Treatment for Periodontitis
Preventative Treatment
Of course, preventative treatment is always best, and when in the early stages, periodontitis and gingivitis may be reversed without any major dental issues. Often, the dental cleaning and proper home health care can help clear the infection. But this is largely dependent on the patient keeping up their oral hygiene. Here are some preventative tips to avoid this disease or promote healing and maintenance after your dental visit:
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While we agree that you can’t put a price on good health (especially when it comes to your teeth), we understand the reality of family budgets. That’s why we offer flexible treatment options and family-affordable pricing. You might say the only thing average about Dental House is our prices.
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Get Help Now
We know that periodontitis can be painful, making a visit to the dentist more stressful than normal. But be assured that our dental and caring team of professionals here at Dental House is ready to provide you with the most positive dental experience possible. We are committed to working with a gentle touch, patience and will help manage any pain so you can relax knowing you are in good hands.
Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.