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Strong Relationships, Strong Health

Strong Relationships, Strong Health

Throughout your life, the number and strength of your relationships affect your mental and physical wellbeing...
10 Foods And What Body Part They’re Good For

10 Foods And What Body Part They’re Good For

Have you ever picked up a piece of food and had a giggle about how it looks a lot like a certain body part. Many people...
Is Vaping Bad For Your Teeth?

Is Vaping Bad For Your Teeth?

Despite all the scary news around vaping recently—like how e-cigarettes can explode in your mouth and possibly give you a rare...
What Is The Process Of Dental Veneers?

What Is The Process Of Dental Veneers?

Yesterday, one of our long term patients, Linda from Bacchus Marsh, came in and saw us regarding a smile makeover...
What Is The Process Of A Same-Day Dental Crown?

What Is The Process Of A Same-Day Dental Crown?

This morning I looked after one of our patients, Robert from Bacchus Marsh. He came in because he accidentally cracked one of his teeth by biting onto the stone of a peach...
What Is All-on-4®?

What Is All-on-4®?

This morning, my receptionist asked me, what is ‘All-on-4®’? And why are we getting so many patients asking about it?
What Is The Process Of Dental Implant?

What Is The Process Of Dental Implant?

This morning, we just placed 4 dental implants successfully into one of our patients’ Helen’s mouth. She was so happy with the results!
Do Dental Veneers Weaken My Teeth?

Do Dental Veneers Weaken My Teeth?

This morning, one of my lovely patients Bella from Hillside, asked me, ‘Does dental veneers weaken my teeth?’
Leanne’s Porcelain Crown & Veneers in Melbourne

Leanne’s Porcelain Crown & Veneers in Melbourne

We would like to share with you Leanne’s smile makeover journey in Melbourne. Leanne is a sweet and lovely lady who wanted...
April’s Smile Makeover in Melbourne

April’s Smile Makeover in Melbourne

We would like to share with you April’s smile makeover journey with Invisalign in Melbourne. April had a lovely and happy...
Lisa’s Denture Journey in Bacchus Marsh

Lisa’s Denture Journey in Bacchus Marsh

We would like to share with you Lisa’s denture journey in Bacchus Marsh. Lisa is a Health Care Worker in Bacchus Marsh. She enjoys eating...
How Many Wisdom Teeth Do People Have

How Many Wisdom Teeth Do People Have

A wisdom tooth is a tooth right at the back of the mouth. The most common age to get wisdom teeth is between age...
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