Noticed your breath is starting to smell a little… funky after your last birthday? Everyone gets bad breath from time to time, but...
Get ready. It’s time for the dental showdown of the century. We’re talking dentures versus implants. Learn the difference between...
If you had a choice, would you wear braces on your teeth or clear aligners? If your answer is clear aligners, you’re not alone. Clear...
12 Powlett St
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Melton VIC 33371800 467 526 https://melton - Friday: 8:00am to ...
Does the word braces call to mind a teenager with a mouth full of metal? If so, it's time to rethink that picture. These days, people of...
It’s no secret that pregnancy changes women’s bodies. But does it affect teeth? Are there any important oral hygiene habits to practice...
You can get orthodontic treatment as an adult, but in many cases, it is easier to undergo treatment at a younger age when your child is...
These oral symptoms—from cavities to bleeding gums—sometimes signal an underlying problem. Sure, your breath may remind you about the...
"Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person...
Your body is about 60% water. Lose even 1.5% of that H2O—the tipping point for mild dehydration—and your , energy levels, and all drop...
Romany is a lovely businesswoman from Diggers Rest who gets to meet a lot of people daily. She feels confident...