Why Dentistry Is A Smart Career Choice For Young Australians

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Why Dentistry Is A Smart Career Choice For Young Australians

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  4. Why Dentistry Is A Smart Career Choice For Young Australians
Why Dentistry Is A Smart Career Choice For Young Australians In Sunbury Dental House At Sunbury
The dental profession is in something of a high peak at the moment. Everywhere you look you are assailed by the perfect smile. Images beam out with big white teeth smiling as an object of essential beauty. Technology is trumpeting new and exciting dimensions like AI. Artificial intelligence is possibly going to transform dental care as we know it. This is why dentistry is a smart career choice for young Australians. Going to the dentist is getting more and more expensive but the market is only increasing. The future is bright, like those perfect smiles, for budding dental practitioners making their way through the 21C.

Seize The Day Young Dentists, It Is Your Time To Shine

Despite the high price of getting treatment from a dental clinic and the fact we are in a cost of living crisis the dentistry business is booming. People are more self-focussed than ever before, including men, where metrosexuality is par for the course these days. The high bar is now standard in terms of straight white teeth. Going for a job and you want to have your smile in order. The profession of dentistry has never been in better shape from the bottom line to the heights of celebrity. The perfect smile has bestowed the gift that keeps on giving – where functionality bows before cosmetic concerns. The kingdom of the city opens for those willing to smile wider than a donkey in heaven.

Career Facts For Dentists

“The number of registered dental practitioners in Australia has increased from around 20,500 in 2013 to around 26,200 in 2022.
The number of registered dentists in Australia has increased from around 15,500 in 2013 to around 19,600 in 2022. Close to 9 in 10 dental practitioners registered in 2022 were employed in their field. The proportion of dentists employed in their field has remained relatively stable, ranging from 89% in 2013 to 91% in 2022. “

If I was advising my own young children which career paths to explore, the dental profession would be right up there. Yes, it takes application, skill, and determination to succeed but the rewards can be well worth the hard work. Sure, the investment in clinic can be substantial but a level-headed business sense can make a profitable career out of it. In addition, there is so much new and exciting technological innovation driving dentistry in the 21C. Performing better and higher quality dental procedures is like a wave lifting up the profession. We are on the eve of tremendous advancements in so many areas of dentistry. It is an exciting time.

A Young Dental Students Shares The Excitement

“I believe it is an exciting time to join the dental field as technology such as CBCT, 3D scan (CEREC) and 3D printing, and dental materials (i.e. MTA) are getting more affordable, precise, and adopted. I hope to incorporate them into my future clinical practice. Aside from my day-to-day practice, I also hope to make an impact in the dental community. I am fortunate to have seen the vast diversity in careers that a dental degree can provide by having met Dr Christine Kim, who I consider a valuable mentor and gave me valuable insight into private dental practice.”
University of Queensland

Why Dentistry Is A Smart Career Choice For Young Australians At Sunbury Dental House In Sunbury
What Dentistry Can Offer

Helping patients overcome their oral health issues and reach more satisfying outcomes can be a daily occurrence practicing in a dental clinic. Eating and smiling are important primary aspects of being alive, indeed, they speak of the joy and verve of living. Dentists make a big difference to the lives of their clients. Yes, procedures may be daunting at first but pain management is making them far more amenable. Bad teeth and gum disease are no longer life sentences for unfortunate human beings. Not fitting in and having teeth which literally don’t fit in are being fixed by dental technicians every single day. Life can be better when your smile need not hide from the world in shame. Lives are liberated when broken teeth are repaired and replaced. Not everyone has to be straight in the current era, but most are happier to have their snaggly teeth straightened orthodontically. Young people can find their metier in the realm of dentistry.

Artificial Intelligence Transforming Diagnostic Dentistry

AI is making great strides in transforming the diagnostic side of the dental profession. Assessing x-rays and images is no longer so hit and miss with the power of AI. This will liberate dentists to do better work free of some of the stuff they were not so good at. Dental treatments will become more exacting and effective in their procedures and outcomes. Attention to detail is the advantage of artificial intelligence and determining with exactitude will bring better outcomes for more dental patients.

Biological Advancements In Dentistry

The exciting biological advancements happening in the oral health fields are also very exciting. The idea of regrowing human teeth is revolutionary and tantamount to miraculous. Whether it be whole new natural teeth or regrowing dentin inside existing teeth the future is full of wondrous possibilities. Dental care is going to a whole new level and new young dentists will be along for an exciting ride.

Australian Dental Council

“The ADC works to protect the health and safety of the public by ensuring dental practitioners meet the high standards required of dental professionals in Australia. We are an independent accreditation authority assigned the accreditation functions for the dental professions by the Dental Board of Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). Through our role we are responsible for:

Accrediting education and training programs leading to registration as a dental practitioner. Developing accreditation standards, policies, and procedures for Australian-based dental practitioner programs. Assessing the professional qualifications, knowledge, judgement, and clinical skills of overseas trained dental practitioners, excluding dental specialists, for the purposes of eligibility to apply for registration to practise in Australia.

Developing standards, policies, and procedures for the assessment of qualifications and skills of overseas qualified dental practitioners, excluding dental specialists, seeking registration to practise in Australia.”

Why is dentistry a smart career choice for young Australians? The profession pays well and offers budding dental entrepreneurs opportunities to spread their business wings. More people are getting their teeth fixed than ever before. Societal expectations around oral hygiene have never been greater in the history of humankind. Perfect white teeth are no longer the exclusive domain of movie stars and Americans. Dentists and dental clinics are poised to profit greatly from the current social trends. Carpe diem young professionals with a healthcare bent. Becoming a dentist could just be the smartest move you ever make.

Note: All content and media on the  Sunbury Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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Great dental practice! Fong is a very experienced dentist acquiring all my dental needs and the nurse Emily helped my dentist experience a comfortable one. Highly recommend them.

Michael D

Michael D.


After hearing numerous excellent reports about this clinic, I decided to visit myself. I must say that it was a fantastic experience, even better than I expected! The clinic is bright and modern, the receptionists and nurses are friendly and help to put you at ease. The dentist is gentle, knowledgeable and explains everything so thoroughly!

I highly recommend this clinic!

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Rebecca S.

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