Your Style is Your Smile: Makeovers & More

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Your Style is Your Smile: Makeovers & More

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  4. Your Style is Your Smile: Makeovers & More
Your Style is Your Smile Makeovers & More In Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest At Sunbury Dental House
It is often said the most beautiful thing about people is their genuine smile. Do you possess an authentic smile? Are you proud of your pearly whites? Or is your smile problematic? Do you unnecessarily hide your radiant grins behind closed lips? Would you rather walk a mile on broken glass than expose a big smile to the world at large? If your smile is your style according to the prevailing social mantras, then smile makeovers are more than on the minds of dental patients everywhere. Increasingly dentists and dental clinics promote our services as smile doctors – fixing broken smiles and healing awkward grimaces in a bid to brighten the lives of our patients and their families.

Smile Styles & Dental Makeovers For More Heartwarming Moments

You may cynically consider the smile makeover mission as a soulless marketing veneer. However, even if it is to some extent, there is no denying that a genuine smile cheers up even the darkest moments. Human beings are simple creatures in reality, despite our big brains and complicated lives. It is the simplest things, which often spark the most rewarding joys. You may spend your working life attempting to crack the code of genetics in the biology of living cells but a beautiful smile beamed your way at lunchtime will invariably touch your heart if only for a moment. You might be a policeman or woman chasing serial killers for a living but still a smile delivered in a genuine way will lift up your spirits in that instant – unless you are a truly miserable and damaged being.

Human Smiles Define Us & Our Style In The Animal Kingdom

The smile is a typically human thing and may define us in the end from our sisters and brothers in the animal world. A brief examination of children’s books, you know those picture books for littlies? Illustrators will often draw a cheery visage on the animal characters they create to humanise these illustrations. Not only do these animals talk in many picture books, they also boast broad smiles no matter their unlikely facial structures. These animal representations even have perfect white teeth in most cases. Great looking teeth are culturally programmed from a very early age. The importance of good dental features cannot be underestimated in the overall scheme of things. Why grandma what big teeth you have!

Your Style is Your Smile Makeovers & More Near Sunbury, Gisborne & Diggers Rest At Sunbury Dental House
Broken Teeth, Unlike Broken Promises, Can Be Fixed

The wonderful thing about the world we live in today is that broken teeth and smiles can be fixed. It is no longer only the remit of movie stars, princesses, and billionaires – although they have led the way in this. Dentists all over the globe have transformed the smiles and bites of millions of human beings. It is not cheap to visit the dentist for substantial dental work but the very fact that it is possible gives great hope to many who never had it before. Hope and opportunity are powerful things in the lives of ordinary human beings. The philosophy of dentistry is rich in bicuspids and third molar wisdom. Fairy tales may have witches, wolves, and glass slippers but modern dentistry, to us dentists, is at times full of greater wonders in the 21C than ever thought possible back in the day.

Mary’s Smile: Beatific 

Hail thee, Mary, full of grace. I wonder how Mary’s teeth were back in Israel at that time? Was Mary as overflowing with radiant smiles as she’s often depicted? Did she confidently share her joy with those around her? I do not mean to be disrespectful in any way by voicing these queries – they are not idle speculation. These stories in the religious canon have underpinned our cultural existence over millennia. They may be re-examined in light of our understanding and concerns today. The human smile has been around probably forever and it is no sin to wonder about Mary and her smile. We may also be reminded of Leonardo’s Mona Lisa and her coy smile. I am put in mind of centuries of devotional art painted in frescoes and on canvases. Are smiles more readily depicted in today’s world of social media than in the many miles of recorded religious art? What did they have to smile about and what do we have to smile about today?

Biblical Smiles & Early Dentists

If your style is a smile, then conversely your smile is also your style. Smile makeovers constitute more prowess in the modern realm. Many earnest researchers and academics talk about the commodification of erotic impluses. Smiles are inextricably linked to this even in the most innocent of associations. Beauty and the procreative dynamic between the sexes are predicated upon the smile. Adam and Eve no doubt shared a smile in the garden, I reckon. Their teeth and oral hygiene would have been top notch. Plenty of natural good foods and very little processed stuff to sully their immaculate whites. Serpents or no serpents their diet would have supported cherubic teeth and gums without any need for a dentist. Eventually, however, all good things come to an end and so it would have been for an ageing Adam and Eve even if they had not been cast out of paradise. There may well have been a call for biblical dentists even at the beginning of recorded time.

The Science Behind Smiles

Thus, we have seen that smiles have been foundational in the story of human beings, even in the religious version of it. In the scientific and archaeological rendition of human history the smile and teeth continue to tell a detailed account of our presence and diet. Skeletal remains of teeth have provided a great source of data for scientists to analyse and make calls upon. Showing another Homo Sapiens your teeth was an important part of the greeting ritual. The smile has always been a disarming gesture in the interrelationships of human beings. Now, we use it to sell stuff en masse via TV commercials and social media but it had its roots in making nice with potential enemies and threats.

Whatever your beliefs or attitude about life there is no escaping the importance of the smile. From procreation to posterity the smile is our style and nothing can compete with the power of a genuine smile. Dentists, of course, know this stuff and fly the flag of smile makeovers in a bid to save the world from the alternative. Who wants to imagine a world without smiles!

Note: All content and media on the  Sunbury Dental House website and social media channels are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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